'Tales of Adultery'
Who from the extracts did you feel sorry for and why?
My opinion
My opinion
Having read all four extracts of the ‘Tales of adultery’ the only account, I feel any real sympathy for would be the electronic engineer Peter aged 41. The reason for me sympathising with Peter, is because of all the extracts I have read Peter is the only one that has not done anything wrong. Here we have man tempted, but has not yet actually committed act of betrayal. People may say for the simple fact he has contemplated an affair, Peter is wrong but in my eyes that is not the case. The majority of men think and or dream about sleeping with someone else even when their relationship in fine. Some people could argue that Claire Tooley a PR executive has done nothing wrong to a certain extent, they maybe right. But in my eyes she is guilty of neglect towards her husband and taking him for granted, therefore resulting in him having an affair.