The Government in my eyes, are suitable for a topic in being bad. My personal opinion is that all political parties in the government are corrupt.
-The war in Iraq for example. Did the UK and USA have valid reason to go to war? Whilst in war and soldiers are killed. The families are left with heartache, and no real answers to why the war actually took place and what cause their son or daughter has died for.
-Taxes, the government propose to rise taxes yet again but really and truelly what are they doing with the money. They have wasted money on projects such as the Millenium Dome, the over spend on the up coming Olympics. Yet we have people starvin on the streets.
-Petition against road tax. An article from the daily mail states, "Yet one Minister has dismissed the petition as 'nonsense', while Downing Street said the Prime Minister had no intention of abandoning plans to tax drivers by the mile." Why conduct a official peptition, if the government have no intentions of taking on board the views of the people?
The Government are being bad, and they are corrupt.
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